Valentines Bud Vase
If you are looking for a perfect gift for a daughter, or flowers to brighten up your friends day, or co-workers desk, these adorable mini bud vases of blooms are perfect. Each bud vase will include 2-3 beautiful seasonal blooms. We're working with gorgeous seasonal tulips and ranunculus right now.
Up to 20km - $9.95
Batawa, Carrying Place, Codrington, Frankford, Stirling, Trenton, Wooler
20 to 30km - 16.95
Belleville, Brighton, Foxboro, Warkworth
30 to 40km - 22.95
Campbellford, Colborne
40 to 50km - 28.95
Bloomfield, Grafton, Hastings, Shannonville, Marmora, Norwood, Tyendinaga
50 to 60km -33.95
Cobourg, Deseronto, Havelock, Picton, Madoc
60 to 70 km - 39.95
Napanee, Port Hope, Tweed, Picton, Madoc