Basil Seedlings

Sale price$3.50


Basil plants typically grow to a height of 1-3 feet (30-90 cm) and have bright green, oval-shaped leaves that are arranged in pairs opposite each other along the stem. The leaves have a smooth texture and can vary in size depending on the variety. The plant also produces small white or purple flowers that are arranged in spikes. Basil is widely used as a culinary herb and is known for its strong, aromatic flavour. The leaves can be used fresh or dried and are commonly used in sauces, salads, soups, and pesto. Basil pairs well with tomatoes, garlic, cheese, and olive oil.


Tips for growing basil:

 1-Basil is a warm-season herb, so it's best to plant it after the danger of frost has passed and the soil has warmed up. Even a cold wind will damage young basil plants. Harden your seedlings off by putting them outside during the day and bringing them inside at night, until night temperatures are consistently at 10 degrees.

2-Basil prefers well-draining soil with a pH level between 6 and 7. Amend the soil with organic matter, such as compost, to improve its fertility and drainage.

 3-Space the seeds or seedlings about 6-12 inches apart to allow for proper air circulation and growth.

 4-Basil prefers consistent moisture, so water the plants regularly, especially during dry spells. However, be careful not to overwater, as basil doesn't like soggy soil.

 5-Regularly pinch or prune the basil plants to encourage bushier growth and prevent them from flowering too early. This will help prolong the harvest period.

 6-Harvest basil leaves when they are large enough to use but before the plant starts to flower. Cut the stems just above a leaf node to encourage new growth.

 7-Basil is known to benefit from being planted near tomatoes, peppers, and other herbs like parsley and oregano. It can help repel pests and enhance the flavour of neighbouring plants.

Our Varieties: 

Sweet Basil

Sweet basil, also known as common basil or Ocimum basilicum, is a popular variety of basil that is widely used in culinary applications around the world. It is native to the Mediterranean region and is known for its sweet, aromatic flavor and fragrance. Sweet basil has medium-sized, bright green leaves that are smooth and slightly glossy. The leaves are oval-shaped and grow in pairs opposite each other on the stem. The plant itself can grow up to 2 feet tall and has a bushy, upright growth habit.

The aroma of sweet basil is sweet and herbaceous, with hints of mint and pepper. The flavour is also sweet and slightly spicy, with a subtle anise-like undertone. It is considered the classic basil flavour and is often used as a base for pesto, tomato-based sauces, and other Italian dishes.

Genovese Basil

Genovese basil, also known as sweet basil or Italian basil, is a popular variety of basil that is widely used in Mediterranean cuisine. It is native to the region of Genoa in Italy and is known for its strong, sweet aroma and flavor. Genovese basil has large, bright green leaves that are slightly wrinkled and have a smooth texture. The leaves are oval-shaped and grow in pairs opposite each other on the stem. The plant itself can grow up to 2 feet tall and has a bushy, upright growth habit.

The aroma of Genovese basil is sweet and floral, with hints of mint and pepper. The flavor is also sweet and slightly spicy, with a subtle anise-like undertone. It is considered the classic basil flavour and is often described as "true" basil.

Lettuce Leaf Basil

Lettuce leaf basil, also known as lettuce basil or basilico a foglia di lattuga in Italian, is a unique variety of basil that is prized for its large, tender leaves that resemble lettuce leaves. It is a cultivar of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) and is known for its mild flavor and delicate texture. The leaves of lettuce leaf basil are larger and broader than those of other basil varieties. They have a smooth, slightly wrinkled surface and a pale green colour. The leaves are soft and pliable, with a texture that is reminiscent of lettuce leaves, hence the name.

In terms of flavour, lettuce leaf basil is milder and less pungent compared to other basil varieties. It has a subtle sweetness with hints of mint and pepper, but the flavour is not as pronounced. This makes it a popular choice for those who prefer a more subtle basil flavor in their dishes.

Cinnamon Basil

Cinnamon basil, also known as Thai basil or Siam Queen basil, is a variety of basil that has a distinct cinnamon-like aroma and flavor. It is a member of the mint family and is native to Southeast Asia. Cinnamon basil has dark green leaves with purple stems and veins, giving it an attractive appearance. The leaves are slightly serrated and have a glossy texture. The plant itself can grow up to 2 feet tall and has a bushy, compact growth habit.

The aroma of cinnamon basil is sweet and spicy, reminiscent of cinnamon with a hint of clove. The flavor is also similar, with a warm, slightly peppery taste. It is less pungent than other basil varieties, making it a popular choice for culinary uses.

Lemon Basil

Lemon basil, also known as Thai lemon basil or hoary basil, is a variety of basil that has a distinct lemony aroma and flavor. It is a member of the mint family and is native to Southeast Asia. Lemon basil has bright green leaves that are slightly serrated and have a glossy texture. The leaves are oval-shaped and grow in pairs opposite each other on the stem. The plant itself can grow up to 2 feet tall and has a bushy, compact growth habit.

The aroma of lemon basil is citrusy and refreshing, with a strong lemon scent. The flavor is also lemony, with a hint of mint and pepper. It is less pungent than other basil varieties, making it a popular choice for culinary uses.

Purple Ruffles Basil

Purple Ruffles basil, also known as Dark Opal basil, is a unique and visually striking variety of basil. It is a cultivar of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) and is known for its deep purple leaves that have a ruffled or serrated appearance. The leaves of Purple Ruffles basil are large and have a deeply lobed shape, with frilly edges that give them a ruffled appearance. The color of the leaves can range from a dark purple to a reddish-purple, depending on the growing conditions. The undersides of the leaves are typically a lighter shade of purple.

In terms of flavour, Purple Ruffles basil has a similar taste to sweet basil, with a slightly spicy and peppery undertone. The flavour is not as strong as other basil varieties, but it still adds a pleasant herbal note to dishes.


Price: Sweet Basil 4 Pack (4 Plants)